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First person shooter Crossing the Line aangekondigd voor de PlayStation 4

Zomboko Entertainment heeft via hun website de first person shooter Crossing the Line aangekondigd. De game zal draaien op de CryENGINE en zal onder andere verschijnen voor de PlayStation 4, Xbox One en PC. Samen met deze aankondiging gaf Zomboko Entertainment ook alvast prijs waar het verhaal van game hoofdzakelijk om draait.

“As a result of the terrorist attack that resulted in the death of a large number of people, at that time the wife of the head of the investigation department of the police died. After this situation, he was dismissed, and this case was closed for unknown reasons. A few years later, he started to see a lot of strange dreams, in one of which he sees the death of his wife and hears her cries for help. Realizing that no one would believe him, he decides to investigate the matter alone and save his beloved in the after world”.

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