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Activision reageert op enorme hoeveelheid dislikes op Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare trailer

Gisteren kon je lezen dat mensen niet erg gecharmeerd waren van de Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare trailer. Het aantal dislikes op YouTube overstemde het aantal likes behoorlijk en dit blijft maar doorgaan. Dat is logischerwijs ook Activision opgevallen en gisterenavond bij de aandeelhouders meeting heeft het bedrijf via CEO Eric Hirshberg gereageerd.

In feite komt het er op neer dat Hirshberg een slecht gegeven om weet te draaien naar iets positiefs, ofwel spinnen. Wat hij en Activision in deze gelukkig mee hebben is dat ze hetzelfde gezien hebben bij Call of Duty: Black Ops II, die na de release een gigantisch succes bleek te zijn.

Daarbij komt nog dat de Call of Duty franchise nog steeds staat als een huis, wat men terugziet in de cijfers van Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Tot zover valt hier uit op te maken dat het bedrijf zich nauwelijks tot geen zorgen maakt. De vraag is alleen of de geschiedenis zich gaat herhalen of dat men dit terug gaat zien in de verkopen van Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Hieronder de complete verklaring die Hirshberg gisterenavond uitsprak.

“First of all, you gotta love the passion of gamers. This is an industry like no other and a fan base like no other. We love that our fans treat this franchise like their own and have such strong points of view about it. There just aren’t many entertainment franchises on earth that can generate the kind of passion that Call of Duty can… and that’s a good thing.

Secondly, of course, we know there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots on the ground-style gameplay; that’s why we made Modern Warfare Remastered. But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that.

The good news is this year we found a way to deliver both in one package while keeping our community together. While of course we see the passionate opinions on line, we also look at other measurements and the fact is — while it’s very early — pre-orders are off to a very strong start. Views of the reveal trailer … are up and, in fact, the number of likes per view on the Infinite Warfare trailer are the highest we’ve ever seen.

We’ve seen this in the franchise before. The reveal trailer for Black Ops 2, which took the franchise into the future for the first time, had the most dislikes of any reveal trailer we had ever made at that time. And that went on to become our most successful game ever.

Right now, the franchise has never been stronger. We have more people playing Black Ops 3, a game that takes place in the future, with boost jumps and fictitious weapons, than any game in our history.

What we know for sure is that if we always just did what worked in the past and never took any creative risks, we wouldn’t have a franchise. The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things.”