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IO Interactive heeft nieuwe doelen en contracten aan Hitman toegevoegd

Hitman is nu al enige tijd in zijn volledigheid uit, maar als je nog niet uitgespeeld bent dan heb je deze maand weer het één en ander te doen. Vandaag zijn er namelijk verschillende nieuwe zaken toegevoegd.

Zo zijn er twee nieuwe Escalation Contracts, een nieuw Elusive Target en meer. IO Interactive heeft de bovenstaande afbeelding vrijgegeven evenals een korte omschrijving die je hieronder kan nalezen.

  • Elusive Target #24 – For more information on this bad boy, be sure to check out this dedicated ET 24 blog post. For each Elusive Target, we create a dedicated blog post with ALL of the information you could possibly need about that target.
  • Escalation Contracts – The May Content Schedule includes 2 new Escalation Contracts, one in Sapienza and another in Marrakesh. Each Escalation Contract has five stages, with each stage adding new complications, targets or wild cards into the mix. They’re designed to challenge your knowledge of the game mechanics and focus on being playful, rather than realistic.
    • Sapienza – The Zunino Disintegration includes multiple targets, disguise restrictions and at least one explosive device…
    • Marrakesh – The Bahadur Dexterity includes multiple targets, a wild card and you’ll also need a battle axe…
  • Featured Contracts – Contracts Mode allows anyone to create their own contracts and share them with friends. All Featured Contracts are created by HITMAN players and then hand-picked by our Community Team at IOI and put into the game for all players to enjoy. This month, we are featuring Contracts from these community members: Quinez, Jonathunder, Ed II3, josephfm, xGURUx83, LSxO, Silverballer550, BendingCheese67, Urben and Hitwoman4784.

Al deze content is nu direct beschikbaar in de game.