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NioH update 1.10 verhoogt opslagruimte

De game NioH heeft ondertussen al heel wat updates achter de rug, van simpele gamebalans aanpassingen tot extra gratis missies, maar ook betaalde DLC.

Team Ninja zit niet stil en blijft steeds aan de game werken, waardoor er ondertussen weer een patch beschikbaar is gesteld.

Deze verhoogt onder andere de opslag van 2000 naar 4000 slots. Dat en meer belangrijke veranderingen en verbeteringen hieronder in de changelog.

    As compensation for game balance adjustments, items will be sent to those who have progressed to the Way of the Strong before version 1.09. Items will automatically be given from the Area Screen. These include:
    • 1 Book of Reincarnation and 1 Koan Manual
    • Gold (the amount depends on the number of times you have reforged items)
    • Divine Fragments (the number depends on your current progress)
    • Anima Stones (the number depends on how many PvP battles you have fought)
    • And here’s a look at the improvements and some of the PvP-related adjustments included with 1.10:


    • Added the Asakura, Mogami, and Gamo clans to Clan Battles
    • Added Combat Titles for the new clans
    • Increased storage space from 2000 slots to 4000 slots
    • Added “+ Value” as a sort option for equipment
    • PvP-Related Adjustments

    • Implemented countermeasures against cheating via data manipulation in PvP battles
    • Changed the rules for 1v1 battles so that exceeding the time limit now counts as a loss for both players
      regardless of the current win/loss count. In addition to this chance, the time limit has been increased from 100 seconds to 300 seconds
    • In PvP battles, all players’ Guardian Spirits are now set to the same level
    • The Following Changes Have Been Made to 1v1 Stages:

    • The boundaries of Dojo: Spring have been limited to indoors
    • Usuki, The Fishing Village has been added
    • Dazaifu Shrine has been added
    • The Underworld has been removed
    • The Meadow has been removed

Voor een volledig overzicht van de patchnotes check je de officiële NioH Facebookpagina.