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Zombie Apocalypse aangekondigd voor het PSN

Heel toevallig hadden we het er in de Dead Rising 2 preview nog over dat er zo weinig zombie op de PlayStation 3 verschijnt, en blijkbaar luistert Sony naar onze gebreken. Vandaag kondigt het bedrijf namelijk op haar officiele blog een nieuwe PSN titel genaamd Zombie Apocalypse aan, en zoals de titel al doet vermoeden; Zombies zijn er in overvloed.

Zombie Apocalypse is pure and gory wish fulfillment. We wanted to strip off the woes of increasingly complex modern mega-games, and retreat back into the world of dank arcades and late-night movie rentals that was our childhood in the 80’s and 90’s. This was not a game in search of a hook, beyond perhaps one to skewer a zombie on. Our goal was to produce a pure arcade shooter, rooted in dual-stick classics such as Robotron: 2084 and Smash TV . We knew it had to be pick-up-and-play, gory party-game fun, but still deep enough and tense enough to stand among its forbearers. We knew multiplayer was a key feature in a game of this type, so we pushed hard to get four-player online co-op integrated from the start. With core values in place, we set out to fill that savage coffer with all the classic zombie lore we loved.

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