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Dit zijn alle te verzamelen Trophies van Left Alive

Op 5 maart zal Left Alive uitkomen en in deze game kun je een forse hoeveelheid Trophies verzamelen. Die zijn zo een paar dagen voor de release van de game op het PlayStation Network gezet en dat levert ons het onderstaande overzicht op.

Om Left Alive platinum te halen dien je het beste einde voor alle drie de protagonisten te bereiken. Ook zul je de game op een hoge moeilijkheidsgraad moeten zien te voltooien. Dat zijn wellicht de meest uitdagende Trophies, samen met de collectables.

Hieronder alle Trophies op een rijtje, maar weet wel dat de lijst eventueel spoilers kan bevatten.


Ultimate Survivor
-Collected all trophies.


All Survivors Saved
-Rescued all of the survivors.

Survive and Thrive
-Obtained the best ending for all three protagonists.


-Finished the game on Light or Standard difficulty.

Survivor: Advanced
-Finished the game on Advanced difficulty.

Survivor: Hopeless
-Finished the game on Hopeless difficulty.

-Acquired all three types of backpacks for each protagonist.

Data Collector
-Collected all database information, excluding TUTORIALS and COLLABORATION.

Gadget Tester
-Used every gadget at least once with any protagonist.

Wanzer Buster
-Defeated ten enemy Wanzers on foot.

Ace Pilot
-Defeated twenty enemies in a single Wanzer without disembarking.

Bullet Collector
-Accumulated the maximum amount of ammunition for five firearm types.

Straight Flush
-Possessed at least one handgun, assault rifle, shotgun, submachine gun, and magnum at the same time.

Wanzer Crusher
-Used either a metal pipe, shovel, or sledge hammer to finish off an enemy Wanzer.


Left Alive
-Finished Chapter 1.

Disturbing Elements
-Finished Chapter 2.

-Finished Chapter 3.

Converging Paths
-Finished Chapter 4.

Man of Memory
-Finished Chapter 5.

A Deal’s a Deal
-Finished Chapter 6.

Twisted Hopes
-Finished Chapter 7.

Dangerous Waters
-Finished Chapter 8.

-Finished Chapter 9.

The Other Side of Darkness
-Finished Chapter 10.

Open Throttle
-Finished Chapter 11.

Serve and Protect
-Finished Chapter 12.

Bottom of the Ninth
-Finished Chapter 13.

Do or Die
-Finished Chapter 14.

Shelter Shepherd
-Guided a survivor to an evacuation shelter for the first time.

Ten Survivors Saved
-Rescued ten survivors.

Twenty Survivors Saved
-Rescued twenty survivors.

A Courageous Decision
-Stopped the massacre of civilians.

Taken for a Ride
-Got repeatedly tricked by a suspicious woman at the harbor apartments.

Aleksandr’s Favorite Burger Joint
-Received Aleksandr’s bill for his meal at Paradise Burger.

No Complaining
-Placed two groups of men and women who don’t get along in the same shelter.

Futures Forever Lost
-Obtained the worst ending for all three protagonists.

Crafting Newbie
-Crafted a gadget.

Wanzer Pilot
-Piloted a normally functioning Wanzer for the first time.

Wanzer Killer
-Defeated an enemy Wanzer.

Gadget Master
-Defeated one hundred enemies using offensive gadgets.

-Hit ten enemies with melee attacks from behind.

Melee Master
-Defeated fifty enemies using either a metal pipe, shovel, or sledge hammer.

The Exsanguinator
-Made fifty enemy soldiers bleed to death.

It’s Electric
Disabled four enemy drones simultaneously with one EMP grenade or EX EMP grenade.

-Set five or more enemy soldiers on fire simultaneously.

-Put out a fire on yourself with an extinguisher.

Wanzer Hunter
-Defeated an enemy Wanzer on foot.

-Completed a close-quarters combo on a staggered enemy mech when piloting a Wanzer.

-Discarded all weapons on a Wanzer and used only its bare hands to defeat an enemy Wanzer.