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Battlefield V gaat straks even offline in verband met onderhoud en nieuwe update

Battlefield V zal vandaag weer een nieuwe update ontvangen en om de game daar klaar voor te maken zullen de servers even offline gaan. Naar verwachting duurt het onderhoud een uur en voor de PlayStation 4 servers geldt dat dit om 11:00 uur begint.

Na het onderhoud aan de servers zal de nieuwe update uitgerold worden en daar hebben we nu alle details van. Naast een changelog heeft DICE er ook nog wat notities bijgezet en die tref je hieronder in het overzicht als eerste aan.

1. We’ve fixed the APCR Specialisation for the Boys AT. It wasn’t working properly when used against Tanks and you should see that this has been rectified when the update goes live. (Thanks to everyone who reported this – /u/LOLRememberarbitur on Reddit was the first thread we caught on this one)

2. The Tromboncino’s progress was inadvertently tied to the Commando Carbine when it debuted, and those folks who had already progressed to a certain level with the Commando Carbine were finding that they couldn’t set, or reset their specialisations. Fixed that. (Thanks to @DLVittorio on Twitter for flagging this alongside others)

3. Three Firestorm fixes. We’ve now made it so that if some cheeky beggar quits whilst downed, their loot will now drop, rather than exit the server with them. We’ve also fixed Platform 9 and ¾ in the Firestorm Hanger – folks will no longer be able to exploit the geometry and reach the map earlier (big thanks for everyone’s patience whilst we stamped that out). Parachute draw distance has also been improved on the drop, so you should have less problems identifying how many are dropping with you

4. We also believe that we’ve reduced the instances of crashing in Spectator Mode

Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations

  • Fixed an issue with a Boys AT Rifle Specialization which would cause it to do an incorrect amount of damage.

UI/HUD/Options/Assignments/Other changes

  • Fixed an issue which made it impossible to reset Specializations.
  • Players should now properly get the assignments tied to weapon progression. Previously, players could run into issues where they were not awarded properly.
  • Firestorm – Players that leave the server will now drop their inventory on the ground.

Maps & Modes

  • Firestorm – Fixed an exploit that would let players land on the map earlier than other players.
  • Firestorm – Increased the draw distance of other players’ parachutes, making it easier to see where they’re heading from longer distances.


  • Improved stability of Spectator mode.