RAGE 2 is nu al even verkrijgbaar en veel updates heeft de game niet gehad, omdat het in de kern een prima shooter is. Toch zijn er wel degelijk zaken die aangepakt mogen worden en dat doet update 1.03.
Avalanche Studios en id Software hebben de tijd genomen om zo gelijk enorm veel kleine en iets grotere punten aan te pakken. Zo zouden de statistieken nu goed weergegeven moeten worden, het menu reageert sneller, items verdwijnen niet langer enzovoort.
Afgezien van de punten die worden aangepakt, komt deze update ook met een aantal nieuwe features. Zo worden er nieuwe cheats toegevoegd en belangrijker nog; Bandit Camps zijn nu herspeelbaar en leveren nieuwe beloningen op.
De nieuwe update is nu live en de volledige changelog tref je hieronder.
Features & Improvements
- Bandit Camps are now replayable! Open your map and select any previously cleared bandit camp to replay them as much as you’d like — and get rewarded.
- New Wasteland Wizard Cheat Codes: Low Gravity, Bloody Mess, Phoenix Rejector Seat, Klegg Support. Find Cheat Codes from the Wasteland Wizard and activate the new cheats in the ‘settings’ menu.
- New Voice Packs added! Ozzy Man Reviews “You Call That a Wingstick?” and German “TV Fatal”. Activate the new voice packs in the ‘settings’ menu.
- Wasteland Wizard now only travels to 3 different locations instead of 15.
- Menu optimization improved to address slowdown issues.
- Crate Improvements! Improved melee hit detection and increased visibility at night.
- Improved sharpness on high-res screens to reduce “blurriness”.
- Adjusted the day/night cycle. (Previously, the day time moved too slow, night time lasted too long).
- Digital Deluxe Upgrade now available in the in-game Store.
- Bethesda.net Friend Leaderboards now available for Mutant Bash TV.
- Fixed issue where linked Bethesda.net accounts appear as unlinked after re-establishing network connection.
Performance & Stability
- Fixed an issue where weapons, armor, and abilities disappeared after loading a save.
- Fixed an issue where the PS4 version of the game would hang on the legal screens when attempting to boot the title without a network connection.
- Fixed an issue where PC players could not access friends, statistics, or the store.
- Fixed a PC crash that could occur when exiting to the desktop.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player hovered their mouse over a location icon in the map.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the player was using the Icarus.
- Fixed an issue where the title crashed when launching the game using minimum spec hardware.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when skipping Prowley’s cutscenes.
User Interface
- Fixed an issue where debug text and symbols were visible in the Settings menu.
- Fixed an issue where debug text was visible in Reticle Style settings.
- Fixed an issue where multiple UI elements were in slow motion.
- Fixed an issue where magazine weapon upgrades text will remain showing on incorrect weapons and after closing menu.
Audio & Localization
- Fixed an issue where character voice lines may infrequently fail to play.
- Fixed an issue where dialogue lines occasionally do not play any VO or cut off early.
- Fixed an issue where battle music no longer played after the completion of Blackout.
- Fixed an issue where music was missing at Winner’s Lounge.
- Fixed an issue where no SFX played when unlocking ability levels or ability perks in the Nanotrites menu.
- Fixed an issue where skipping the intro cutscene early may stop VO lines in character selection to stop playing.
- Sound effects are now heard when a motorcycle falls over.
- Resolved an issue where two separate countdown audio queues played out of sync at the start of race.
- Sound for “New log entry” HUD no longer missing.
- Fixed an issue where audio feedback was not heard when the player takes damage from the lasers in Goliath Plant Control Room.
- Player no longer repeats Hurt VO when touching a Electricity Drop, but isn’t damaged.
- Sound effects for opening the hatches covering the reactor now plays properly at Shrouded Sub Station Alpha.
- Grenade VFX no longer appear misaligned when user cooks a grenade while moving
- Smart Rocket Launcher no longer missing VFX when firing in Overdrive
- Fixed an issue where “Intel Collected” displays debug text when playing in any localized language.
- Fixed the Japanese date and time localization on Save and Load screens.
- Fixed the Russian localization for Golden Pistol.
- All Languages – Log – Description of Polite request to BLOW UP GAZCATRAZ! intel is affected by inconsistency issues.
- Fixed authority sentry VO distortion in JP SKU.
- Resolved several localization issues including overlapping text for PTBR, zhTW, zhCN and KO.
- Resolved broken “Help” hyperlinks in Polish or Brazilian Portuguese.
Gameplay Bug Fixes
- Now possible to change key bindings for the Defibrillation mini-game (previously, it defaulted to WASD).
- Fixed an issue where Dr. Kvasir’s dialogue prompt did not work from certain angles
- Fixed several portions of ChazCar where some areas of the course do not teleport the player back to track
- Fixed an issue where the Nicholas Raine armor would always be seen on the player
- Fixed an issue where signing out after resuming from a suspended state would allow the player to stay in the game, which would corrupt all saves.
- Fixed an issue where Photo Mode options were missing upon reentering the mode.
- Fixed an issue where Crushers would get stuck after their intro animation.
- Fixed an issue where Walker would become invincible by dying and then using slam in the MBTV “The Ranger” challenge.
- Fixed an issue where Gazcatraz may not be completed after killing all enemies.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to steer right with motorcycles if you changed the keybinding to any key except the default key.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when fighting an Authority Sentry north of Lagooney
- Fixed an issue where creating a new save and quitting to the main menu during Gulo’s speech would cause Marshall not to radio the player, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue where some story locations with no collectibles could not be marked as completed.
- Fixed an issue where the Phoenix did not respawn when coming within reach of it (around 200m) on Xbox One.
- Fixed an issue where the Annihilator did not fit correctly inside the location.
- Fixed an issue with the Wingstick Lock-on control description button icon.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s friends list on Steam was failing to show added friends for some players.
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle, bikes, and helicopter keybindings conflicted with each other.
- Fixed an issue where changing the minimum resolution scale after switching window mode would result in graphical corruption.
- Fixed an issue where touching the barrier when encountering General Cross would result in the player becoming stuck on the wall.
- Fixed an issue where the wall near the “Cult of the Death God” cave entrance and exit door may pull and clip the player through the wall.
- Fixed an issue where the Charged Pulse Cannon would appear invisible when opening the Ark.
- Fixed an issue where engaging the mutant worshipers from the grate overlooking the shrine caused them to become stuck running into wall
- Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to Fast Travel or spawn vehicles upon completion of Authority Bunker section of The Signal
- Fixed an issue where the player could activate Focus oriented objects at an awkward angle and/or without looking directly at them
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to trigger purchase confirmation prompts on previously bought items
- Fixed an issue where the Charged Pulse Cannon model was missing when it was revealed to the player for pick up.
- Fixed a Bethesda.net issue where the player could become control locked by opening the manage account modal and starting a new game simultaneously
- Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck if they progress to the exit door before completing the Ark at Quake Hill.
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to change menu navigation keys leading to conflicts when rebinding keys.
- Fixed an issue where the Dash ability did not make a sound when used
- Fixed an issue where loading an autosave made after completing an ark causes objective to not complete and rewards not to be given
- Fixed an issue where winning ChazCar derby mission registered as a loss and blocked progression
- Fixed an issue where the Abadon Crusher would “morph” into a ball when transitioning from one animation to another when the player approaches.
- Fixed an issue that automatically cancelled error messages when failing to log in.
- Fixed an issue where hitting the Phoenix with a vehicle near the city entrances causes vehicle to disappear before being stored.
- Resolved flickering shadows that occurred inside building at D and D’s Hood.
- Fixed an issue where the title would freeze if player attempts to delete or overwrite saves
- Entering Eden Space Center at night no longer makes rooms incredibly dark
- Fixed an issue where abandoning Project Dagger and restarting it with another car prevents the player from entering the Xerxes.
- Convoy Locator no longer always shows Convoys on Compass including when Capture and Control are hidden on map.
- Fixed an issue where when exiting a location where the sun is disabled, there is a pop in lighting
- Fixed an issue where if a player is signing into a linked account with expired legal agreements, they will be blocked from accessing the Bethesda.net module.
- Player will now receive an error message if they try to connect to a Bethesda.net account that is already linked.
- Player will no longer appear unlinked to Bethesda.net after constraining or suspending multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where location tracking UI text wouldn’t update when selecting or deselecting Track Location
- Fixed an issue where the camera angle transition was too harsh when operating vehicles
- Fixed an issue where if the player runs out of the elevator as it ascends in the secret bunker, it leaves them stuck
- Shadow flickering no longer present on light transitions on PlayStation 4
- Fixed an issue where non-standard game modes in MBTV showed player without Ranger Armor
- Fixed missing controller vibration with the Phoenix Blast upgrade
- Fixed an issue where the Combat Shotgun ammo display was inconsistent between Scattershot and Slug Shot modes.
- Fixed a UI issue with the incorrect display of a Reward Popup.
- Camera no longer shakes violently when grabbing on to tall ledges.
- Player can no longer go out of the world using Grav Jump and Vortex during MBTV.
- Fixed an issue where the Predator Tank is almost destroyed after player loads back in from dying in it
- Fixed an issue where hovering over EASY with the mouse, the player can’t use arrow keys to select another difficulty option
- Fixed an issue where opponent vehicles sometimes get teleported ahead of the player
- Navigation Tool for the Map no longer breaks after completing a race
- Fixed an issue where Firestorm Revolver bullets would not stick to props
- Fixed an issue where Doomsayer Peak may not be completed after killing all enemies
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the player is unable to finish “Yeoman Growery” location due to the fact that not all enemies spawn.
Update was volgens mij bijna 25GB.
Ga vanavond weer een stukje verder met de game.
Is de game nu ook mooier? Niet meer zo wazig?
Game zag er idd minder wazig uit, en speelde ook wat soepeler op de (ps4 pro) en menu’s eindelijk wat sneller
Je kon de motion blur al lang afzetten sinds day one.
@2a02:1812:142b:5600:b99a:ad2a:a7a5:5.xxx: en dan nog bleef de game enorm wazig. Motion blur is alleen voor bewegende beelden, en Rage 2 was als je stil stond nog super wazig.
We spelen blijkbaar een andere game. Op de pro+ haarscherpe monitor met snelle ms response draait het als een zonnetje. Dat doom gehalte is wellicht niet u stijl. Dat is inderdaad wazig. Maar stilstaand geen problemen.
@2a02:1812:142b:5600:943c:c670:97ff:c.xxx: Doom is zeker wel mijn ding, en ik speel Rage op een Pro en op een 65inch QLED Q9 van 3000 euro. Dan hebben we waarschijnlijk een andere defenitie van wazig….
@195.57.212..xxx: Voor dat geld had je beter een OLED kunnen halen.
@2a02:a451:1220:1:4148:e7a:7f7e:3.xxx: hahaha indd, QLED marketing bullshit, opgekrikte LCD. Oled is superieur.
@2a02:a451:1220:1:4148:e7a:7f7e:3.xxx: Nee want een OLED is vrij donker beeld, en de kans op inbranden is enorm groot. QLED kan de zwart waardes van OLED bijna evenaren, terwijl hij ook nog eens heel fel kan. 3 à 4000 nits haalt ie makkelijk
Vrij donker beeld? Is prima hoor voor in de huiskamer, haalt sowieso 1000 nits, en dat inbranden is een achterhaald argument. Dankzij software aanpassingen is de kans vrijwel nihil, tenzij je de hele dag Nickelodeon hebt aanstaan. Als je QLED vs OLED opzoekt zie je de voordelen tegenover en nadelen van beide
@143.179.40..xxx: en dat opzoeken heb ik zeker gedaan. Ik heb van te voren mijn research gedaan, en kwam bij de conclusie dat QLED beter voor mij was
Wat leuk allemaal. Wie heeft de grootste….
Ieder zijn meug lijkt me een beter idee.
Gelukkig hebben we keuzes niet.
Maar eens dat Rage mij ook grafisch wat tegen viel.
Nog niet gespeeld na de update.
En draait op een ps4 pro met een LG C9 scherm.
Ben zeer benieuwd na de update.