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Destiny 2 krijgt volgende week performance update en Bungie deelt alvast de details

Volgende week zal Destiny 2 weer een nieuwe update ontvangen en die richt zich op verschillende aspecten van de game. Update 2.7.1 zal dinsdag uitgebracht worden en is bedoeld om bugs op te lossen, alsook om performance zaken aan te pakken, gezien het hier een beetje aan schort.

In aanloop naar de release van de update heeft Bungie alvast het een en ander aan details gedeeld. Die hebben we hieronder voor je op een rijtje gezet, zodat je precies weet wat er aangepakt zal worden.

Performance updates

  • Improved some performance issues in the Chamber of Suffering encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where players could die when transitioning from the Necropolis encounter to the Tunnels of Despair.
  • Improved a performance issue that could occur when chunks of land return, or are removed during the Sanctified Mind encounter.
  • Improved performance when receiving certain investment related messages. This could be reward acquisition, placing tributes, or interacting with Obelisks. The largest impact will be in the Tower, but this should help everywhere.
  • Players who load into Crucible matches faster than their peers will no longer be put in black screen. Rather, they will remain in spaceflight until all players have loaded into the match, as before.



  • Fixed an issue that is preventing Eris from granting her final Lore entry
  • Fixed an issue where the “Green with Envy” Quest was not progressing for some players
  • Fixed an issue where the “Playin’ the Odds” emblem was not unlocking correctly for players. This could prevent some players from fully unlocking the Dredgen title
  • Improved Black Armory Rare Bounty acquisition:
  • -Chances increase as you complete weekly and daily bounties
  • -Guaranteed to drop from bounty completion after 5 days if completing all Ada-1 bounties


  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Handed mod could trigger from Telesto bolts
  • Fixed an issue where players could retain buffs from Wormgod Caress, Winter’s Guile, and Synthoceps even after swapping armor
  • Equip restrictions on Wormgod Caress and Winter’s Guile will be lifted once this patch has shipped

Bungie kijkt ook nog naar een aantal andere problemen, maar die vragen eerst intensief testen voordat de fixes uitgerold kunnen worden. De onderstaande punten zullen dus op een later tijdstip aangepakt worden.

  • UI stuttering and framerate drops when loading or applying mods
  • Framerate issues in Gambit and Gambit Prime
  • Framerate issues during the Sanctified Mind encounter of the Garden of Salvation Raid
  • Framerate issues in the Pit of Heresy Dungeon, specifically in tunnel encounters
  • General improvements to performance on PC when a lot of debris is on the ground