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Nieuwe trailer en meer details van The Foundation update voor Control bekendgemaakt

Onlangs lieten we al weten dat de eerste uitbreiding voor Control, The Foundation, op 26 maart zal verschijnen voor de game. Die aankondiging ging gepaard met een teaser trailer en inmiddels heeft Remedy ook een gewone trailer uitgebracht die wat meer van de nieuwe content laat zien.

Samen met de nieuwe trailer heeft de ontwikkelaar ook het een en ander aan details bekendgemaakt en de belangrijkste zaken hebben we hieronder in het kader voor je neergezet. Deze maand mogen we tevens een update verwachten die de mogelijkheid toe zal voegen om Ability points opnieuw toe te wijzen.

Verder staat er nog een Shield Rush ability upgrade op het programma, quality of life verbeteringen en een verbetering van de mapfunctionaliteit. Deze update voor de game zal gelijktijdig met de uitbreiding uitkomen op 26 maart.

The Story
In The Foundation, the Astral Plane is colliding with our reality. Jesse Faden, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, must travel through the caverns of the Foundation to prevent the Astral Plane from consuming the Oldest House. The missing Head of Operations, Helen Marshall, may hold some answers to the mysteries surrounding this threat. As she travels deeper, Jesse will learn more about Marshall’s disappearance, and about the enigmatic Board.

Jesse’s Mission
The Foundation is an all-new level, which can be accessed through the Hotline Chamber in Central Executive. Important note, in order to access The Foundation DLC, players will need to have completed the main game.

Within The Foundation, there’s not only main missions to work through, but multiple side missions to get stuck into as well. On average (because this question tends to come up a lot) players can expect to get around 4-5 hours of all-new gameplay out of The Foundation.

Abilities and Skills
Our community love Jesse’s abilities, as do we! As part of The Foundation, we’re adding skills to her supernatural arsenal. Take Control of an all-new ability (exclusive to The Foundation) called Shape and an upgrade to the Service Weapon called Fracture, allowing Jesse to transform and shatter the Foundation’s environments.

Jesse will also have access to Shield Rush, an upgrade to the Shield ability that allows Jesse to charge at her enemies, knocking them back during combat. This upgrade will come as part of the free March update, but more on that later!

The Hiss Sharpened
The Foundation introduces the Hiss Sharpened, a new enemy type which can be found in the caves under the Oldest House. This new Hiss-type is particularly challenging, so get ready to put your skills to the test as they approach you with their melee swings, pickaxe in hand. What’s more, Hiss Sharpened will come at you from different directions, so think about how you can use your abilities to take them down. (Top tip: Look at how you can use Shield Rush and Levitate to your advantage!)