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PES 2021 is geen compleet nieuw deel omdat Konami zich focust op next-gen PES

Eergisteren dook het gerucht op dat eFootball PES 2021 geen compleet nieuw deel zal zijn, maar een update voor eFootball PES 2020. Konami heeft nu laten weten dat dit inderdaad het geval is en de reden hiervoor is de next-gen consoles.

De Japanse ontwikkelaar/uitgever wil met de next-gen consoles hun slogan voor PES – ‘The pitch is Ours’ – volledig omarmen. PES 2022 zal de serie op alle punten moeten verbeteren. Konami belooft onder andere meer realistische atleten en animaties, alsook verbeterde physics. Om dit voor elkaar te krijgen is er gekozen om de Fox Engine te laten vallen en gebruik te maken van de Unreal Engine.

Doordat ze de lat ontzettend hoog leggen voor de ‘next-gen PES’, hebben zij niet zoveel tijd om zich ook bezig te houden met andere titels. Er is daarom besloten om eFootball PES 2021 als update aan te bieden voor een redelijke prijs in plaats van een volledig nieuw deel.

Hierdoor is Konami niet zoveel tijd kwijt aan de game en kan het zich hoofdzakelijk focussen op het deel dat volgend jaar moet verschijnen voor de PlayStation 5 en Xbox Series X.

De volledige verklaring van Konami is als volgt:

As the industry stands at the precipice of an exciting new generation of consoles, we believe that now is the perfect time to share some of our plans for the future of the PES franchise with you.

To that end, we are excited to announce that we are hard at work on a next-generation football title that aims to truly embody our core concept of “The Pitch is Ours”.

This title is being developed with an updated engine that will enable us to dazzle you with staggering improvements to all areas of the game. Expect more realistic player models and animations, enhanced physics, photorealistic visuals, and much much more.

We recognize that many of you are enthusiastic for new myClub and Master League content, and we are also excited to share that large updates are in the works for both of these modes.

However, the sheer scale of everything we are aiming to achieve for our next-gen debut has made it necessary to pare back our efforts in other areas of development. As a result, we have made the decision to launch this year’s PES as a streamlined offering in the form of a “season update”. That being said, we are still extremely confident that this year’s game offers fans more than enough thrills to tide them over until our next-gen title is ready for launch.

This year also marks a quarter of a century since the very first PES title was released. To commemorate this important milestone, and more importantly, to show our gratitude to you, our loyal fans, we are pleased to announce that this year’s PES will launch at an affordable anniversary price and will also come with several bonuses.

Currently, we aim to begin testing of our next-gen title sometime in mid-2021, with an estimated release date later in the same year.

Until that time, we hope to see you back on the pitch in this year’s season update.

Look forward to more news regarding our next-gen project closer to release.