Een tijdje geleden liet Bandai Namco weten dat er nog behoorlijk wat nieuwe content gepland staat voor Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris. Naast betaalde content zouden er ook gratis uitbreidingen komen en dankzij een nieuwe update is het eerste deel in die reeks van gratis DLC nu verschenen.

Update 1.20 voor Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is nu namelijk te downloaden en hiermee is nieuwe story content toegevoegd in de vorm van ‘Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods’. Dit is een nieuwe verhaallijn die draait om Sinon. Later komen er nog drie gratis delen in de Ancient Apostles reeks en elke uitbreiding richt zich op een ander personage.

Behalve de nieuwe content heeft update 1.20 ook nog wat fixes met zich meegebracht. Check de onderstaande patch notes voor alle details.

New Additional Contents

  • Added free additional story update part #1 “Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods.” (This quest can be accepted after completing the main guest.)
    • Kirito and Sinon must explore the haunted woods.
    • Defeat the Boss named Fatal Scythe to obtain a new costume and weapon for Sinon.
  • Added “Mutated Beast” Quests. (This quest can be accepted after completing the “Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods.” Interacting with the monument allows the player to accept Raid Dungeon quests, located in North Centoria.)
    • By defeating the boss, you will obtain items to upgrade your equipment.

User Interface

  • Fixed the marker of the main quest temporarily disappearing during quests.
  • Fixed the location of the Calamity Plants not immediately reflected on the mini-map when the main quest “The Three Keys” is in progress.

Online Multiplayer

  • Fixed the “Super Arts” and the “STUN gauge” not synchronizing properly during multiplayer mode.
  • Fixed the issue where unplugging the LAN cable while in the main menu may cause the player to be unable to proceed.
  • Fixed the battle unintentionally resetting on certain occasions during multiplayer mode.


  • Fixed the effect of the personal arts code “Sturdy Body” not properly reflected on the status screen.
  • Fixed certain enemies not spawning while using the Anima “Cautious.”
  • Fixed the issue where the accuracy rate for enemies above Lv100 was applied to enemies below Lv100.
  • Fixed Tiese’s sub episode being unable to proceed on certain occasions.


  • Increased the level cap of the playable characters from 50 to 70. (The level cap will be upgradable after completing “Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods.”)
  • Increased the level of weapons from 5 to 10.
  • Changed the upper limit of the damage count from “999,999” to “99,999,999.”
  • Fixed the descriptions of the battle skills, passive skills and add-ons listed below not matching the actual buff / debuff effects.
    • Battle skills: Warrior of the Gods+ and Echoes of Madness+.
    • Passive skills: Rain Incarnation, Guardian’s Stigmata, Mythic of Lurking, Mythic of Carnage, Blade Incarnation, Mythic of Ascension, Bloodblossom Stigmata, and Binary Star Sword God.
    • Add-on: Sage’s Stigmata.
  • Fixed the Battle skill “Liberation+” and “Falcon Fist+” not properly activating on certain occasions.


  • Fixed other minor bugs and issues.