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Details van Call of Duty Elite bekend

Op 8 november 2011 komt dan Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in de winkels, maar daarnaast ook een nieuwe service van Activision. Call of Duty Elite wordt deze nieuwe online service waarmee de uitgever meer geld wilt verdienen, want deze service wordt niet gratis.

Het online gamen met Call of Duty zal wel gewoon gratis blijven op de PlayStation 3, maar deze dienst zal er extra bijkomen. Hiervoor zal Activision een bedrag per maand vragen als je deze dienst wilt gebruiken. Maar wat houdt Call of Duty Elite dan precies in?

Vandaag zijn de eerste details van deze extra online service opgedoken en deze kan je natuurlijk hieronder lezen. Daarbij kunnen we volgende week op de E3 in Los Angeles, Amerika veel meer informatie verwachten over Modern Warfare 3 én Call of Duty Elite. Ben jij bereid om te betalen voor deze dienst of vindt je dit geldklopperij? Laat het ons weten in de comments hoe jij erover denkt!

Career: Detailed player stats (kill to death ratio, time spent, favourite weapons, loadouts, level, saved screenshots and videos, personal bests, etc). Players can view results from recent matches, via timeline and map showing every kill and death (including location of killer/victim). Can compare directly with other players by searching for their gamertag.

Connect: Join groups based on interest. For example, search for ‘photography’ and you are automatically entered into a group with other players have the same interest. If the group doesn’t exist, Elite automatically creates it. You can then access Career stats for group members. Can also browse theatre mode and videos. Looking through most liked, most viewed, staff picks, most recent or any videos you are tagged in. MW3 will introduce clan support.

Compete: Regular events and competitions set up by developers, e.g. highest kill streak, screenshot or video competitions, etc. Prizes range from special emblems for your profile to COD merchandise, an iPad 2 and a Jeep Cherokee. MW3 will introduce group vs group competitions, clan vs clan, intra-clan competition and leagues.

Improve: Detailed information on every weapon, perk and map in the game, including tips, stats and video guides from pros. Maps show objective locations for different types of multiplayer mode. Shows more player stats (e.g. how many times people have used each kill streak bonus). After MW3, Elite will call on entire Call of Duty community to provide expertise and guidance.