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Rode Kruis bedankt de PlayStation gebruikers

Jullie weten allemaal vast nog wel dat er in de PlayStation Store een tijd lang een inzamelingsactie stond voor de slachtoffers van de ramp in Japan. Met je PlayStation Store krediet kon je doneren aan het fonds, wat vervolgens naar het herstel van het troffen gebied zou gaan.

Die actie is nu afgelopen en het Rode Kruis en PlayStation willen iedereen bedanken die meegeholpen heeft aan de actie. Al met al is er £466,465.60 ingezameld, wat omgerekend een flinke 523.000 euro is. Het Rode Kruis heeft dan ook de onderstaande brief samengesteld om iedereen te bedanken en ook wij willen nog even onze complimenten leveren aan iedereen die wat heeft bijgedragen.

On behalf of the British Red Cross I would like to thank you for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s generous donation of £466,465.60 to support our immediate response to the biggest earthquake in its history which struck Japan on 11th March, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale. The earthquake struck 250 miles northeast of Tokyo and triggered a devastating tsunami with up to 38 metre waves, which swept away everything in its path. More than 13,000 people have been confirmed dead so far and 14,000 are still missing or unaccounted for.

The Japanese Red Cross has been working on the ground since the disaster began, mobilising some 4,000 doctors, nurses and support staff. It is providing first aid and health care through mobile clinics, and support to the most vulnerable communities in the worst affected areas of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima. So far, 34,430 patients have been treated. Counselling services have been provided to a further 1,600 people, who are experiencing trauma or have suffered the loss of a family member.

Thanks to the PlayStation community’s amazing contribution to the appeal, the Japanese Red Cross is able to support victims of the tsunami with cash grants. These will be given to victims who have lost immediate family members; families whose homes were destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami or resulting fires; families whose homes were severely damaged; and households who have been required to evacuate. It will equip up to 70,000 transitional shelters with a package of essential home appliances, benefiting some 280,000 people.

Thank you again for helping us to be there when it matters most.

Yours sincerely,
The British Red Cross