Update: patch notes onderaan toegevoegd.

The Callisto Protocol is ondertussen al enkele maanden onder ons en de game wordt na de release nog actief ondersteund met updates. Zo werd laatst nog een New Game + modus aan de game toegevoegd en vanaf vandaag kunnen fans aan de slag met nog wat nieuws: de hardcore modus (niet voor gevoelige zieltjes).

Glen Schofield kondigde dit nieuws aan op Twitter. Daarnaast zullen ook de eerste DLC-skins die deel uitmaken van de Season Pass vrijgegeven worden.

‘Hope you had fun with the New Game Plus mode we put out a few weeks ago. Tomorrow we’re putting out another free update – Hardcore Mode. We’ll also have our first DLC skins drop as part of the Season Pass.

Meer over The Callisto Protocol lees je in onze review.

Hardcore Mode

A challenging take on The Callisto Protocol’s survival-horror experience, intended to push you to your limits, Hardcore mode is not for the faint of heart. Here’s what you can expect;

  • Ammo, health and credits are harder to come by and not every Biophage will drop loot.
  • Increased enemy damage
  • Decreased Stun Baton damage
  • Increased enemy mutation speed
  • Contraband value is reduced
  • Hardcore Mode New Game+ (requires completion of standard Hardcore Mode playthrough)
  • New Achievements / Trophies to hunt


  • Players that were not correctly granted the “The Protocol is About Life” achievement upon completing the game will be automatically granted the achievement
  • Localization fixes for leveling and VO/subtitle mismatches
  • Optimized enemy combat AI when player is surrounded by multiple enemies

Steam Deck

  • Updated font rendering and UI elements for readability
  • Created a rendering functionality profile specifically for Steam Deck with the best settings for smooth gameplay
  • Updated control schemes for SteamDeck controls

PC Specific

  • Ray tracing performance improvements