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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer closed beta patch online


Zoals velen weten is de Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Multiplayer closed beta in volle gang en als jij nog niet meedoet aan die closed beta, doe dan snel mee aan onze prijsvraag, zodat je alsnog mee kan doen. Maar zoals eerder aangekondigd door ons, kwam er een patch voor de closed beta om sommige problemen te verhelpen.

Deze patch is zojuist online gekomen, zo meld Naughty Dog op het forum van PlayStation. Bekijk hieronder de inhoud van de update en let er op: helaas moet je deze patch installeren en zal je huidige ranking verloren gaan.

Hey all,

The patch is up! To properly apply this patch, it requires some careful attention on your end. You must watch the screen closely while booting into the beta. As soon as you see the patch message come up in the XMB overlay, you should hit X to accept as quickly as possible.

If you miss the window your PS3 will reset but NOT patch. Simply launch the game and you can try again.


Patch Notes


* Grenade explosions now apply damage properly


* Players should no longer get hung up in matchmaking for long periods of time

Bug Fixes

* Ranks should no longer reset randomly
* Quitting the game will no longer reset the PS3
* Player collision – players should no longer get hung up on each other when moving through the environment
* Player will now be killed if stuck in falling animation for too long
* In Plunder mode, treasures will no longer disappear during matches