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In 2024 verwelkomen we een nieuwe sciencefiction survivalgame in de vorm van The Alters

Wat doe je als je crasht op een afgelegen, onherbergzame planeet, die vervolgens langzaam maar zeker op een gigantische ster blijkt af te stevenen? Wel, als je The Alters moet geloven, is het antwoord een basis bouwen en alternatieve versies van jezelf creëren. Voor hulp… en om niet alleen te zijn als het onheil ondanks al je harde werk toch toeslaat.

De onderstaande trailer hoopt je alvast enthousiast te maken voor deze bizarre base-building survivaltitel. The Alters verschijnt ergens in 2024 voor de pc, de PlayStation 5 en de Xbox Series X|S.

Forged in the spirit of meaningful entertainment, The Alters is a base-building survival game driven by life-defining choices and exploring the diverse paths one could take. The inhospitable planet where Jan crash-landed is turning toward a massive sun, causing radiation levels to soar; in this desperate race against time, Jan must harness local Rapidium crystals to create his many versions: the “Alters.”

Set within an ever-moving mobile base, both teamwork and building a wide range of expertise are indispensable for survival. By selecting diverging paths for the other Jans during the alteration process, they acquire distinct skill sets. They become invaluable, not only for maintaining the base, but also for tasks like cooking, crafting tools for surface exploration, and gathering essential resources.

However, the Alters are more than mere resources. They are sentient beings with their own emotions, problems, goals, and sometimes, existential doubts about their purpose. Despite their differences, their collective goal is to escape, echoing Jan’s determination to survive: I’ll just do it all by myselves.