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Opnieuw enkele details over Battlefield 3

September loopt langzaamaan ten einde en loopt met een stralend zonnetje over in oktober. Oktober is dé maand waarin misschien wel de grootste game van 2011 uit gaat komen: Battlefield 3.

De laatste tijd worden we overstroomt met informatie over deze game en we kunnen dan ook niet wachten totdat het eindelijk 25 oktober is, de dag dat hij dan eindelijk uit zal komen. Om alvast een voorpretje te krijgen zal vanaf 29 september eindelijk de multiplayer bèta van start gaan en dus kunnen we over vier dagen al gaan genieten van deze game.

De game is nog niet helemaal klaar en we weten nog lang niet alles over de game, vandaar dat ontwikkelaar DICE vandaag weer wat woordjes heeft losgelaten over deze game. Zo zien we enkele nieuwe details omtrent de friendly fire, “Dragon Breaths” en enkele wapens in de game.

  • On the topic of friendly fire: “Friendly Fire misunderstanding: FF is Off by default, On by default in Hardcore. Server option as well. Spread the word.”
  • When asked to confirm there’s no “Dragons Breath” ammo for shotguns: “Yeah. And no bottle rockets. Both have similar effectiveness.”
  • When asked if the SU-39′s cannon will have different balance/stats due to it being powered by gas-blowback (versus electricity for the GAU): “Given it fires 3000rpm and actually has less spin up than the GAU, they are very similar in game and life.”
  • When asked if burst firing would be harder in Battlefield 3: “Tap firing has a larger recoil than the same rounds fired in full auto actually.” He then followed up with: “If you tap fired as fast as full auto the spread would’ve the same. Control recoil and pace your rounds it’s better.”
  • When asked about the M1911 pistol, and who gets access to it: “The M1911 is available to both Gun Club [members] and Veterans, however there are additional Veteran bonuses.”
  • When asked about Medal of Honor Limited Edition owners and the Battlefield 3 beta keys they should be receiving: “You don’t need a key, if your EA account is entitled to MOH LE then you get the beta access automatically early.”
  • When asked about the under-barrel grenade launcher and its one-hit kill shots: “Much smaller splash, minimum arm timer, and only direct.”
  • When asked about DICE’s support for the game once it’s released: “We’ve planned updates and additional content support, plus there is always other projects…”