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Lexis Numérique: “Gamers bepalen de uiteindelijke prijs voor Amy”

Vorige week heb je bij ons kunnen lezen dat vanaf komende woensdag de horrorgame Amy te koop zal zijn in de PlayStation Store. Nadat de prijzen bekendgemaakt werden waren er nogal wat vragen van voornamelijk PlayStation 3 gebruikers over het prijsverschil van ongeveer drie euro tussen de Xbox 360 en de PlayStation 3.

De ontwikkelstudio heeft nu besloten de community te laten beslissen over de prijsstructuur. Blijven de prijzen zoals ze zijn, of moet de PlayStation 3 versie gelijkgetrokken worden. Zo zegt José Sanchis, de CEO van Lexis Numérique, in een interview:

“During the whole development of the game, we tried to be as transparent as possible on our decision making and we believe this situation is a good opportunity to explain what is at stake, it’s also a very good opportunity to involve the community in order to decide on the final price of the game in the US.”

“We decided to have a new approach to digital distribution by proposing heavy content at a very reasonable price because we believe price is a key issue, especially during hard economic times. Indeed, we believe AMY could have been sold a little bit higher. However, the issue we have to deal with is that a price in MS points doesn’t have the same value in all countries. Indeed, because of fluctuations between the dollar and the euro, 800 MS points are currently worth $10 in the US but €10 in Europe, which is about $12.80.”

“As we have the same price in MS Points in all countries, there will be a difference of pricing whatever decision we make between countries and/or platforms. The pricing scheme we announced enables everyone to buy the game at a reasonable price with great value for the money, with an even greater deal for the XBLA gamers who indeed have it cheaper.”

“But because we didn’t explain the situation, we understand the reaction of certain US PSN gamers who don’t understand why they should pay a little bit more than their friends who play on XBLA. Now that the community has the elements to understand why we proposed this price scheme, we want to involve as many players as possible to tell us what to do with the price in the US.”

Via een poll op Facebook kunnen gebruikers nu stemmen wat er met de prijs gaat gebeuren. Helaas geldt deze actie alleen nog maar voor Amerikaanse gebruikers. Tot nu toe vindt 30% (241 stemmen) dat de huidige prijs goed is, terwijl 70% (559 stemmen) vindt dat het prijsverschil met de Xbox versie te groot is.