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Meer informatie over Battlefield 3 Armored Kill DLC en Battlefield 4 beta

Ontwikkelaar DICE heeft wat extra informatie vrijgegeven over de aankomende DLC voor Battlefield 3, Armored Kill. Armored Kill zal in september dit jaar zijn release kennen.

Nadat de trailer van Armored Kill online gezet was, werden er flink wat vragen gesteld aan de ontwikkelaars. DICE wil natuurlijk niet alles verklappen, maar een aantal belangrijke details willen ze alvast met ons delen.

  • Armored Kill will have 5 new drivable vehicles including mobile artillery, tank destroyers and ATVs
  • There will be over 20 vehicle specific unlocks.
  • Players will be able to spawn in and fire from the all-new gunship.
  • We will be introducing the Tank Superiority game mode where tank pilots and infantry will have to use all their skills to control key points of the maps. More details to come!
  • The console player cap will stay at 24 players. Players can expect to have a great time on these maps as we are custom tailoring the new Armored Kill maps with these parameters
    in mind.

Ook de Battlefield 4 bèta heeft na de aankondiging flink wat vragen opgeroepen bij heel wat fans. Hierover kon DICE eveneens wat meer duidelijkheid verschaffen.

  • We’ve announced that players will be able to guarantee their access to the exclusive Battlefield 4 beta by pre-ordering the Limited Edition of Medal of Honor Warfighter. Here’s the other important information that we can provide at this time.
  • The Beta will be in Fall of 2013.
  • We are committed to providing an excellent Battlefield 3 experience well into the future , past the releases of Aftermath, End Game, and Battlefield 4. DICE is continuing its work on Battlefield 3 alongside Battlefield 4.
  • Most importantly, official details regarding Battlefield 4 will always be made available on and here on the Battlefield Blog. We expect that the level of interest in Battlefield 4 will lead to a lot of speculation and rumor – don’t fall for it!