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Nieuwe update maakt Knockout City free-to-play

Wij waren best te spreken over Knockout City, een charmante multiplayertitel die trefbal – toch de definitie van een sport die overal ondergewaardeerd wordt – in uiterst cartooneske schijnwerpers plaatst. Iedereen kon de game downloaden en uitproberen, al keek je tot nu toe na verloop van tijd tegen een paywall aan. Deze is nu echter als sneeuw voor de zon verdwenen.

De nieuwste update – versie 6.0 – is onlangs live gegaan en deze maakt Knockout City volledig free-to-play. Dé manier bij uitstek om het aantal spelers fel omhoog te krikken. Naast deze (r)evolutie voegt de update ook nog een nieuwe map (Super Science Symposium) toe, samen met kersverse cosmetics, contracten en een nieuwe boomerang bal. Meer dan de moeite waard dus.

Zoals het een echte update betaamt, zorgt ook deze ervoor dat enkele problemen de wereld van Knockout City uit geholpen worden. Het volledige overzicht vind je zoals gewoonlijk hieronder.

  • Fixed an issue where, occasionally, Street Rank rewards were showing the “Leather Jacket” in the match results reward sequence instead of the reward that was actually received.
    • This may still happen in cases where players have already received all items within a pool. We know some players are seeing this in the Platinum Tier of Street Rank, and it’s usually nothing to worry about since you aren’t missing out on any items!
    • For players above Platinum Tier of Street Rank that were seeing the Leather Jacket instead of the Chrome Cosmetic you were supposed to unlock… CONGRATULATIONS! That means you got to take advantage of a bug that was rewarding you the NEW Chrome Cosmetics added for Season 6. So you will actually be the first to have these in your inventory when you boot up for the first time during Season 6.
  • Fixed an issue where the reward sequence was skipped when a player logs in after a Crew Contract was completed while they were logged out.
  • Fixed an issue where some Steam players were locked out of the game even though they had previously purchased the full game.
  • Fixed the sudden movement that can occur when entering ballform after being “stored up” from a previous action.
  • Fixed an issue occasionally preventing players from scrolling through Player Cards on the “Next Match” screen.
  • Fixed an issue that was introduced in Season 5 that affected the resolution of Performance Mode on PS5.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Energy Drinks (like Potato Punch) were crediting players for the actions of their teammates.
  • Fixed an issue where players had to return to the title screen in order to have their selectable playlists change over into Midnight Madness mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the bloom on outfits’ glow/holograms for the blue, green, and pink team colors.
  • Fixed an issue in the League Play Match Results Sequence where incorrect text was being shown after losing a match in Bronze, Sapphire, or Emerald Rank.
  • Fixed an issue on Nintendo Switch where accepting group invites from Nintendo Friends prevents players from accepting KO City Friend or Group Invites in-game.
  • Fixed a freeze which was occurring when rapidly cycling between customization menus and selecting one item from each category.
  • Fixed several issues which were caused after a player who’s holding or touching a ball disconnects from the game.
  • Fixed an issue where recently rewarded Crew Vehicles weren’t previewed in the match results screen until they were equipped.
  • Fixed transparency issues with certain elements of the Title Screen on Nintendo Switch.
  • Fixed several locations (like in the Hideout!) causing players to take damage when under certain geometry in ballform. This should only happen when under active hover technology.
  • Fixed missing geometry on the base of some Trophies in the Trophy Case.
  • Fixed an issue in Superpowers causing X-Ray Vision graphics to persist after being KO’d.
  • Fixed several different issues which were resulting in crashes on various platforms.
  • Various other fixes and improvements.