Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is op de PlayStation 4 van een nieuwe patch voorzien. Het betreft hier patch 1.03 en deze update weegt 728MB. Via de officiële fora heeft Ubisoft de changelog vrijgegeven en hieronder alle details van de fixes, verbeteringen en aanpassingen die met de patch meekomen.
Grouping Issues
- Fixed a bug where one group remained stuck on character selection if the other group leader quitted with the group while in lobby
- Fixed the situation where sometime two groups couldn’t join each other
Artifact Assault Balancing
- The size of the capture zone has been increased to 6 meters (from 5 meters). This change does not alter the way capture zones work. It doesn’t change the number of elements in it or the number of access to it. However this slightly reduces the time for the attackers to get to the capture zone. It widens the zone a little bit for them.
Abilities Balancing
- Fixed a bug that prevented players affected by Knife from teleporting.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes made a player become invisible when he tried to teleport while holding the artifact.
- The Casting Time of Teleport can know be crafted to 3.5/3.15/2.8 seconds (from 3.5/3.25/3.00). Teleport was too hard to counter on AC3 once crafted to its maximum, but we agreed that the crafting of the Teleport was this time too small to really make a difference. With the updates done on other abilities, we decided to slightly increase its crafting.
Time Phase
- Players affected by Time Phase are not able to climb or jump anymore. We originally wanted to give some natural counters to the Time Phase, but this gave too much advantage to pursuers in team modes. With this change, we want to make the ability more reliable.
- A 1 second delay has been added before re-opening a door/lift with unstoppable equipped. Countering a just-closed chasebreaker is a great feeling. Unfortunately, the ability unbalanced the game too much in Artifact Assault and ruined some level design opportunities: running on a straight line became the basic strategy for carriers. We want to reward strategic and cunning escape techniques, and we think that a player should always have the advantage for using a Chasebreaker. The Unstoppable ability was breaking this promise. But we didn’t want to remove the perk, as we like the opportunity it gives to the game: a closed chasebreaker will now take 1 second before being reopened.
- What this means: A running pursuer will miss the reopening. He will climb the door or the wall behind the lift, or miss the just used corner helper.
How to take advantage of the perk: by slightly slowing down your run or simply by doing some zigzags in the last meters before the chasebreaker (to give it some time to reopen).
Well used, Unstoppable still lets the pursuer to go on with the chase. But Chasebreakers will now always give an advantage to the targets, and the use of the perk now has to be planned.
Other Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the Wolfpack income
- Fixed some rare crashes and freezes
- Fixed a situation where the sign out message was not displayed when a sign out from PSN occured
- Fixed the icon for the “Professional” abstergo grade
- Fixed the situation where Abstergo rank appeared as undefined for unranked friends in Abstergo Network menu
- Applied fixes on the ladders
- Fixes the situation where you could see the animus shield during respawn
- Fixes on Wolfpack extra-objectives
- Fixed a bug where the compass disappears after Minor Hack has been used on NPCs
- Fixed a bug where the same clan could be splitted in the lobby
- A clan group remained stuck in character selection screen after the second clan was returned to search session
- Fixed a bug where player’s decoy could be seen running in mid-air in a specific location in Prison
- Fixes on the rewards and unlocks
- Fixed a bug on favorite profile set sometimes replaced, once selected in game, by another one
- XP earned when completing a Wolfpack session has been slightly reduced
- Teleport: Casting Time can now be crafted to 3.5 / 3.15 / 2.8 seconds
- Fixed the situation where the title remained stuck after unplugging the Ethernet Cable and having the Character Pack installed
En PS3 Versie?
Schijnt wel een probleem te zijn na installeren van deze patch dat je je multiplayer voortgang kwijt bent en opnieuw op level 1 begint, heb dit al sowieso 2x voorbij zien komen op twitter.
@DarkElement: ja en je kan ze niet niet downloaden want dan meld je psn meestal af en gaat die weer aan bij dat gene spel wanneer je de patch download en installeert.
Gelukkig dan maar dat ik nog niet aan de multiplayer begonnen ben!
Dit is nog niet alles…. Ze maken hun game onspeelbaar voor sommigen blijkbaar. Maar de social events laten ze weer in de kou staan!!!! Ze hadden het beloofd dus ik verwacht binnen de 2 weken nog een patch
Ik heb er gisteren ook al één gedownload.
Was eerlijk gezegd helemaal klaar met deze serie na deel III.
Momenteel is er toch weinig te spelen op de ps4, waardoor ik heb besloten om het alsnog te kopen.
Iemand ervaringen delen ten opzichte van deel III?
@TheProphecy: Mijn ervaring is dat ik in tegenstelling van deel 4 op gegeven moment geen zin meer had in deel 3. Ik vind bij deel 3 dat het land/stad/sneeuw gedeelte er lelijk uitziet, het bos daarin tegen ziet er wel mooi uit.