Remedy Entertainment heeft een nieuwe update uitgebracht voor Alan Wake II die onder andere een aantal problemen in de The Lake House-DLC oplost.

De update lost naast bugs, zoals het vastlopen in bepaalde segmenten, ook enkele balansproblemen op. Zo worden er meer resources toegevoegd aan het spel in aanloop naar het laatste baasgevecht.

Alan Wake II is nu beschikbaar voor de PS5, Xbox Series X|S en pc. Je kunt hieronder de volledige lijst wijzigingen bekijken.

Alan Wake 2 – Patch Notes november 2024


  • The Player can now boost the flashlight while reloading the weapon (canceling the reload in the process). YES!


  • Fixed an issue where the player was not able to shoot after a partial weapon reload
  • Fixed an issue where the DualSense adaptive triggers kept on rumbling and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time

The Lake House Fixes and Improvements

  • Sent in some additional resource boxes that appear right before the final boss fight, as they should in video games. Stock up!
  • Fixed an issue where the opening cinematic of The Lake House was playing at the wrong time
  • Fixed some shadow banding on the final The Lake House cinematic
  • Fixed a rare case where the player would get stuck in the elevator when returning to Sublevel 1. While this is a realistic issue even for the FBC, this has now been deemed not a great idea for the game experience
  • Added some “missing” paint onto the walls of Sublevel 4, so it no longer seems the Painted attack out of a regular grey wall. (also known as the “good thinking” fix)
  • Fixed the Portuguese translation for the hint for the second computer puzzle, which gave the player the wrong information.
  • Various localization fixes
  • Minor fixes and stability improvements