Mocht je benieuwd zijn naar Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, dan is het mogelijk om alvast kennis te maken met deze uitgave via een speelbare demo. Capcom heeft namelijk een demo beschikbaar gesteld voor alle platformen waarop de collectie uitkomt: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch en pc.

De demo geeft je de mogelijkheid om het begin van Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth en Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit te spelen. Mocht je de collectie naderhand kopen, dan zul je de geboekte progressie mee kunnen nemen naar de volledige games.

Experience both Ace Attorney Investigations games in one gorgeous collection! Step into the shoes of Miles Edgeworth, that prosecutor of prosecutors from the Ace Attorney mainline games!

Leave the courtroom behind as you walk with Edgeworth around the crime scene, gathering evidence and clues and talking with persons of interest. Use your wit and what you discover to solve tough, intriguing cases through logic and deduction.

  • Both games have been given the full high-definition treatment, including all-new designs for the chibi characters! Classic pixel art style is also available for those who like a more retro vibe!
  • Autoplay and Story Mode have also been added. Autoplay will progress the dialogue for you, while Story Mode will solve even the toughest puzzles on your behalf — perfect for those who just want to sit back and enjoy a good mystery! (You can turn Story Mode on and off at any time.)