Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 zal vanaf morgen volop gespeeld worden wereldwijd en met name de multiplayer zal de game nog zeer lang in leven houden. Vanzelfsprekend is het de bedoeling dat iedereen eerlijk speelt, maar mocht je neigen naar cheaten of gebruik maken van exploits of iets dergelijks, dan kun je ten prooi vallen aan de banhamer.

Treyarch zal de online gameplay goed blijven monitoren en de mensen die in overtreding zijn verbannen van het online segment. De regels die als belangrijkste gelden zijn vrijgegeven en hieronder kun je precies terugvinden wat je vooral niet moet doen als je online aan de slag gaat. Wel is het zo dat Treyarch elke individu die in overtreding is nader zal onderzoeken, zodat een ban terecht is.

De straffen die uitgedeeld worden kunnen variëren van 48 uur tot 2 weken tot een permanente ban, je bent dus gewaarschuwd.

  • Modding / Hacking: Any user who runs a modified version of game code or uses a modified game profile is subject to penalty.
  • Pirated Content: Any user who illegally acquires Call of Duty: Black Ops II content is subject to penalty.
  • Unsupported Peripheral Devices and Applications: Any user who utilizes an unsupported external hardware device or application to interact with the game is subject to penalty. Unsupported peripheral devices and applications include but are not limited to modded controllers, IP flooders and lag switches.
  • Boosting: Any user who colludes with another user to exploit the game for the purpose of gaining XP, prestige, game score, weapon level, or in-game unlock is subject to penalty.
  • Glitching: Any user who abuses an exploit in game code or other established rule of play is subject to penalty. An example includes but is not limited to using a hole in the map geo to intentionally go outside of the map boundary.
  • Offensive Behavior: Any user who is found to use aggressive, offensive, derogatory or racially charged language is subject to penalty.
  • Offensive Emblems: Any user who creates an emblem with sexually gratuitous images, racially offensive material or foul language is subject to penalty.
  • Offensive Live Streams or Unauthorized Live Stream Content: Any user who is found to have offensive or unauthorized content in their live stream is subject to penalty. Offensive content includes but is not limited to foul language, racially charged language, and nudity. Unauthorized content includes but is not limited to unlicensed music, TV shows, movies and brand logos.