Evolve verscheen begin 2015 en was een redelijk groot succes. Veel kritiek was er tegelijkertijd ook op de game en dat kwam door de overkill aan downloadbare content, waardoor je al snel een hoop extra geld kwijt was al had je daartoe interesse.

Deze DLC aanpak deed ook de magie van de game een beetje vertroebelen en Turtle Rock Studios wil deze magie graag terugbrengen naar haar game. Zodoende heeft men besloten om de game vanaf vandaag op PC’s free-to-play te maken.

“When people first started playing Evolve at those and other conferences, it was magical. Sure, there was the AAA videogame hype surrounding our title. Yeah, we also had the flashy displays, the giant Goliath statue, and all the other things AAA games do to get people excited. And that stuff was cool. Really cool. But, what we lived for — what was cooler by far — was just seeing people play Evolve for the first time. We worked on it for years and then, suddenly, people got to experience our game, controller in-hand. There was genuine excitement — real joy — when people played. It was like nothing they’d ever played before and watching it happen was like no high we ever felt.

Then, when Evolve launched, the reception wasn’t what we expected. Sure, there were some good reviews. There were also bad reviews. Yes, there was excitement. There was also disappointment – for players and for us. The DLC shitstorm hit full force and washed away people’s enthusiasm, dragging us further and further from that first magical pick-up-and-play experience.

We want that magic back and we aim to make it happen. We’ve made a lot of changes, improvements and additions to Evolve over the past year and we’ve got a lot more coming. In short, we’re giving this game a vigorous overhaul!”

De oorspronkelijke ontvangst van de game was niet helemaal wat men had verwacht en dat heeft uiteindelijk geleid tot de beslissing die men nu genomen heeft. Vanaf vandaag is Evolve dus gratis speelbaar op PC, maar hoe zit het met consoles horen we je al denken? Wel, als het free-to-play model succesvol is op de PC, dan zal Evolve op consoles dezelfde behandeling ondergaan.