Vorig jaar verscheen Evil Dead: The Game. Een zeer vermakelijke titel die ook bij fans van de franchise hun hart sneller liet kloppen, zie ook de review van Johnny. In de tussentijd heeft de game alleen maar meer content ontvangen en is het wel gerechtvaardigd om een nieuwe, complete editie op de markt te zetten met de ‘Game of the Year’-noemer eraan vast.
Evil Dead: The Game – Game of the Year Edition verschijnt op 26 april voor alle platformen, met uitzondering van de Nintendo Switch. Die versie heeft nog steeds geen releasedatum. Noemenswaardig is dat op 26 april de game ook op Steam zal verschijnen en dus niet meer enkel via de Epic Games Store te spelen zal zijn op pc.
Wat deze editie allemaal met zich mee zal brengen hebben we hieronder neergezet.
This new edition of the blockbuster co-op player-versus-player / player-versus-environment multiplayer action experience bundles the full base game with a hoard of content from six downloadable content packs and more, including the upcoming downloadable content “Who’s Your Daddy.”
Available on April 26 as part of Evil Dead: The Game – Game of the Year Edition or as a standalone purchase, the downloadable content “Who’s Your Daddy” features new surprises for the Survivors and Demons inspired by the STARZ series Ash vs Evil Dead, including:
- New Survivor – Brock Williams: Ash’s old man himself, Brock is immune to knockbacks and has several auras he can unleash to help his squadmates. These auras change dynamically based on how many Williams family members are on the team.
- New Demon – Schemer: Based on the notorious demon boss Baal, the Schemer is a trap specialist who confuses Survivors with illusions. His Meat Puppets inflict increased damage with a variety of attacks based on the fear levels of the Survivors.
- New outfits for Ash, Amanda, and Pablo.
Additional downloadable content included in Evil Dead: The Game – Game of the Year Edition feature a range of bonus playable Survivors and Demons with unique powers and abilities, as well as tons of cosmetics to customize your experience.
Inspired by the iconic horror, humor and action of the long-running Evil Dead franchise, Evil Dead: The Game brings the franchise’s biggest names together in a pulse-pounding battle with the forces of darkness, brought to life with off-the-wall gore and visuals. Work as a team of four Survivors to kick Deadite butt and banish the vile Kandarian Demon—or become the Demon yourself, using its powers of possession to stop the good guys and swallow their souls!
Play as your favorite characters from every era in the franchise—with even more Survivors and Demons released after launch. Use your wits and a wide variety of weapons to survive the night in standard four-versus-one multiplayer, single-player missions, and the new fast-paced Splatter Royale mode for up to 40 players, with full cross-play between consoles and PC.
Briljante game!
Was nergens GOTY… lanceren nGOTY edition’
@Anoniem-4194: Inderdaad hahaha. Misschien dat ze zelf een game awards event hebben georganiseerd