Wie maar wat graag democratie wil verspreiden door het heelal, kan Helldivers 2 eigenlijk niet overslaan. Wij waren erg enthousiast over het tweede deel in de franchise, zoals in onze review te lezen valt. Vlekkeloos verliep de release niet, mede dankzij enorme belangstelling. Daarom werkt de ontwikkelaar hard aan verbetering.
Ook duiken er nieuwe issues op, waardoor er met flinke regelmaat nieuwe updates verschijnen. Zo ook nu, want update 1.000.13 is beschikbaar om te downloaden op de pc en PlayStation 5. Voor spelers op console is de update extra interessant, omdat de inlogsnelheid toegenomen zou moeten zijn.
Hieronder de patch notes, alsook een overzicht waar nog aan gewerkt wordt.
Good day Divers!
Freshly baked patch notes coming in!🔧 Fixes
- Improved: login speed and error messages on PS5
- Improved: support for AZERTY keyboards by allowing the Ship HUD shortcuts to be rebound
- Fixed: Super Credits not showing up after purchase or collection
- Fixed: Premium Warbond not being accessible after purchase
- Fixed: crash which could occur when a player changed their rank or title
- Fixed: missing text in HUD for Acquisitions and Social menus
- Fixed: crash which could occur while browsing missions.
- Fixed: unlimited stratagem use glitch which occurred after an AFK kick
- Fixed: missing equipment issues after an AFK kick
- Fixed: purple question marks appearing after an AFK kick
🧠 Known Issues
These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
- New Personal Orders are not showing.
- Login rate limiting when many are logging in at the same time.
- Players can become disconnected during play.
- Rewards and other progress may be delayed or not attributed.
- Various UI issues may appear when the game interacts with servers.
- Pick-up of certain objects in-game may cause characters to freeze in place for an extended period of time.
- Some games would not be joinable by others for a short period of time during heavy load.
- Other unknown behaviors may occur.
- Japanese VO is missing from intro cutscene and Ship TV.
- Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended.
As always continue to do your part and stay strong in the face of adversity!
Ik heb vandaag 2 verschillende video’s van een mech in aktie gezien op reddit. Subreddit Helldivers 2, Mechs… enjoy en More mech….enjoy
Ze zijn lekker bezig met patchen. Maar ik denk dat we wel snel nieuwe content moet gaan komen anders ben ik bang dat de game snel doodbloed. Verder een zeer vermakelijke game trouwens.
Jammer die fix van unlimited stratagems. Dat was onwijs leuk de chaos die dat opleverde.
Nóg snellere inlog?
Wow! Wat bruut!
@Anoniem-9136: (het is) een geweldige game die nog geweldiger gaat worden! 🙂