Ontwikkelaar BioWare heeft een nieuwe update uitgebracht voor Dragon Age: The Veilguard. De game was volgens ons aardig goed te pruimen, maar zoals je in onze review al kon lezen zijn er nog wel wat puntjes die verbeterd konden worden.
De nieuwste update pakt heel wat bugs aan en brengt ook de nodige quality of life verbeteringen. De volledige lijst van aanpassingen en fixes kan je hieronder terugvinden:
Quality of Life Changes:
- Arrow keys can now be bound to input mappings.
- Filters added to Photo Mode.
- Screenshot file names from Photo Mode have been simplified, showing the date the photo was taken.
- The File Path where screenshots are saved is now shown in game when a screenshot is taken through Photo Mode.
- It is now easier to identify where an Enchantment has been applied to a companion’s equipment.
- Adjusted the Glint option description in Settings.
- New rings can now be compared against both equipped ring slots.
- A notification now appears when the Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant is available.
- Added new icons for some weapons.
Bug Fixes:
- Eliminated the causes of a small number of crashes.
- Rook’s body shape no longer changes unexpectedly after a cutscene with Emmrich.
- Adjusted an odd facial expression when Rook first meets Emmrich.
- Fixed a rare issue where some of an existing Rook’s settings got unintentionally reset after making and saving a new Rook. This fix is now also on consoles and retroactively affects saves on all platforms.
- Adjusted the volume level of Spite’s voice in some scenes.
- Fixed some instances where music would incorrectly stop playing.
- Fixed some instances where unintended music or sound effects would play.
- Antaam Champions now correctly do slightly more damage.
- Mage Rooks no longer shift to the right awkwardly after performing an extended dodge.
- The Rogue Skill “Underdog’s Bite” now correctly lists “Enhanced Damage” instead of “Empowered Damage.”
- Fixed some instances where enemies could get stuck or were unreachable in some areas.
- Fixed some instances where companions could get stuck on balance beams.
- Bellara can no longer endlessly charge Rook’s Ultimate outside of combat.
- Emmrich’s attack stat is now displayed correctly at the start of the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Fixed a bug where Emmrich was sometimes not available on the ability wheel during the Where the Dead Must Go quest.
- Companions’ revives are now correctly refilled at the start of The Last Gambit quest.
- The Kataranda now has its correct unique coloring.
- Fixed an issue with the critical hit and penetration modifiers on the “Twin Edged Pick” Warrior weapon.
- Taash’s cape on the “Rivain’s Legacy” armor no longer stretches in cutscenes.
- The Grey Warden “Recruit’s Simple Tunic” appearance no longer clips uncomfortably through Rook’s neck.
- The “Mythals’ Light” Mage weapon now does the intended amount of physical base damage (0).
- The “Mythal’s Light” Mage weapon now does physical damage to enemy health if a physical damage enchantment is applied.
- Fixed instances where stat bonuses from some Treviso valuables were applied incorrectly.
- Fixed instances where valuables with stat increases were not all visible in merchant stores.
- Improved textures on various characters and environment objects.
- Fixed an issue where VFX could become extremely bright.
- Fixed several distance “pop-in” issues.
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to stutter when closing the eluvian interface.
- Fixes several instances where quest objectives would not update correctly during some quests.
- The On Deadly Wings quest can now be completed even if the A Slow Poison quest has not been fully completed.
- The Mayor of D’Meta’s Crossing no longer appears in two places at once during the Lives Spared quest.
- One of the Revenants will no longer fail to appear in the Crossroads.
- Fixed an issue where a door would not open during the Heights of Athim memory in the Regrets of the Dreadwolf quest.
- The intended 2D cinematic scene now plays after the Shadows Crossing quest.
- Fixed an issue where the path forward could become blocked in the A Murder of Crows quest.
- Fixed a blocking issue during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
- Companions are now present when loading the first autosave made in the Isle of the Gods quest.
- The HDR Calibration setting is now saved correctly between game sessions.
- Prevented multiple instances where Rook could get stuck while exploring Thedas.
- One of the “Watcher’s Robe” appearance variations is now correctly granted after completing the Disrupt and Conquer memory.
- Fixed a place in Arlathan Forest where Rook could get stuck in a drowning loop.
- Fixed instances where Rook forgot they already had the lyrium dagger and could not interact with treasure chests and altars.
- Codex entries that were already read will no longer be re-marked as unread.
- Fixed an issue where the scrollbar could get stuck in the Codex screen.
- Enchantments on abilities are now reset correctly when Skill Tree nodes are reset.
- The Crossroads’ Spirit Merchant now shows the intended faction reputation gained for whichever city was blighted when selling valuables.
- Fixed a rare issue where some Skill Tree nodes were sometimes unable to be unlocked.
- Some adjustments to the game credits.
De game blijft een woke misbaksel dat een gigantische middelvinger opstak naar de fans van de franchise.
Valt niet tegenop te patchen.
@Anoniem-8393: Ja ik zie dit ook zo. Ik zie dat dev team echt voor me als een boze paarsharige horde met lgbt vlaggen. En m’n google search vertelt me dat ik er niet ver naast zit.
Woke troep, dus deze slaan we lekker over. Laten ze maar weer gewoon games gaan maken.
Deze game boeit me totaal niet, maar het vermaakt me enorm hoe boos de kinderen op deze website worden over het bestaan ervan.
Ga zo door Bioware!
@Anoniem-3251: ok
Erg vermakelijke game! Tot vooralsnog 0 dingen tegengekomen die woke zijn dus blij dat ik niets om de mening van de kudde geef. Schaapjes beh!
Een transgender collega van me, ook RPG fan vond het zelfs onnodig en irritant dat het zo in je gezicht wordt gedrukt.
Ik heb de game vorige week ook gehaald, en geniet er echt van. Mooie spel werelden en merk weinig van het woke gedoe, game speelt gewoon heerlijk weg.
Wat een gezanik. Woke 1 non binair persoon en de keuze. Ongelooflijk wat een gezeur.
@Anoniem-4897: ook voor mij GOTY! Al veel plezier mee gehad.
ontsla de man verkleed als vrouw en de dei werknemers en neem mensen aan die wel kunnen werken aan een goede game
@Anoniem-8727: Dei aarbeidskracht lmao
mijn god wat een patches……….
@Smaakmaker: Je moet jezelf beter informeren. Want het is gewoon een stuk meer dan alleen die dingen die jij noemt.
Oja wat dan?
Ik heb beide horizons gespeeld en die zijn een stuk zoetsappiger dan veilguard is maar daar hoor je niemand over.
Mijn conclusie, iedereen loopt te janken om 1 scène van een paar minuten.
Ben ik het mee eens maar voor de rest is het een fokking vette game!
@Anoniem-2958: stel je niet aan