Elke week mogen we een update verwachten voor Fortnite en ook deze week heeft Epic Games weer een update klaar staan. Het gaat hier om Fortnite versie 6.31 – oftewel versie 1.93 op de PS4 – en die is ongeveer 900MB groot. Zo gedownload dus, maar toch zijn er wel een aantal vernieuwingen en veranderingen die noemenswaardig zijn.

Epic & Legendary Pump Shotgun (Battle Royale)

De Pump Shotgun zit al lange tijd in de game en is vrijwel onmisbaar in elke close-combat situatie. Epic Games heeft er nu twee nieuwe varianten van toegevoegd. De Epic en Legendary versies zijn vanaf nu te vinden in de game en doen 105 tot 110 schade bij een volle hit. Headshots zullen uiteraard nog meer schade doen. Dit nieuwe wapen is te vinden op de grond, maar ook in kisten en Supply Drops.

Daarnaast zijn er nog wat wijzigingen voor andere shotguns doorgevoerd. Iedereen die Battle Royale regelmatig speelt, heeft wellicht eens 8 schade gedaan met een pump shotgun. Vrijwel direct daarna verlies je het gevecht, omdat je vijand wel een fatsoenlijke schade op jou krijgt met zijn of haar shotgun. De minimale schade van de shotgun is nu aangepast. Als je maar één of twee pellets raakt met je schot krijg je altijd de schade van drie geraakte pellets. Daarnaast is de Double Barrel Shotgun niet meer te vinden op de vloer, maar enkel nog in kisten en Supply Drops.

Team Rumble LTM (Battle Royale)

Epic Games introduceert ook weer een nieuwe Limited Time modus, namelijk ‘Team Rumble’. Simpel gezegd is dit een soort Team Deathmatch waarbij het team dat als eerste 100 kills pakt de match wint. Je speelt in twee teams van twintig spelers tegen elkaar. Wanneer je doodgaat respawn je weer na 5 seconden. Als je sterft, laat je een willekeurig type ammo en wat materialen achter. Maak je niet druk om je inventory wanneer je sterft, je zult alles behouden wanneer je weer terug in het veld komt.

Canny Valley Act 2 (Save the World)

Save the World wordt tot slot ook voorzien van nieuwe content. Spelers kunnen aan de slag met 21 nieuwe quests in de Canny Valley Act 2 verhaallijn. Hierin ontmoeten spelers nieuwe personages, zoals Dr. Vinderman’s assistente Desiree en de Steel Wool bassist Carlos. Epic Games heeft ook de beloningen van sommige missies wat aangepast, zoals je hieronder kunt lezen.

Als allerlaatste krijgt Save the World er binnenkort weer een nieuwe Hero bij, genaamd Airheart en zij valt onder de Constructor klasse. Zij heeft een unieke vaardigheid genaamd R.O.S.I.E. en plaatst een Mounted Turret op het slagveld. Elke speler heeft toegang tot de Turret en kan schieten totdat de munitie op is. Wanneer de Turret geen munitie meer heeft of vernietigd wordt, moet je een bepaalde tijd wachten voordat je het weer kunt gebruiken.



Two large teams fight for the Victory Royale in an action-packed mode where the first team to get 100 eliminations wins!

Mode Details

  • Two teams of 20 players.
  • Players will respawn after 5 seconds when eliminated, keeping their inventory.
  • Eliminated players spawn a random type of ammo upon elimination, as well as a random stack of either 120 Wood, 90 Stone, or 60 Metal materials.
  • Only Uncommon weapons (or better) are available.
  • The first team to 100 eliminations wins.


  • New Epic and Legendary Pump Shotgun
    • 105 / 110 maximum damage
    • Available from floor loot, chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.
  • Shotguns will now always apply at least 3 pellets worth of damage if only 1-2 pellets hit the target.
    • NOTE: Bonus pellets can never be critical hits.
  • Pump Shotgun maximum damage and fall-off changes.
    • Pump Shotgun maximum damage increased from 80 / 85  to 95 / 100
      • Pump shotguns will do higher damage in shorter range buckets but damage falls off quicker. This means you’ll do more damage to closer targets but less damage to farther targets.
  • Added Stink Bombs to Supply Drops
  • Removed Double Barrel Shotguns from floor loot
  • Mounted Turret
    • Adjusted Mounted Turret collision to make it easier to land shots against anyone occupying it.
    • Removed the ability to repair the Mounted Turret
    • Fixed players being able to clip into turret barrels and get stuck.
    • Supply drops will automatically open if landing on a Mounted Turret
    • Drop rate reduced from 1.719% to 0.915%

Bug Fixes

  • The Mounted Turret can no longer fire through its own floor.
  • Fixed an issue with players not having an audio cue while gliding after respawning.
  • Fixed an issue with Chiller effects not applying properly to players’ feet.


  • Reduced the in-air speed when using the Glider Redeploy feature in supported game modes.
  • Added functionality that allows the placement of map markers in the world without needing to go into the fullscreen map.
    • You’ll be able to look at a position in the world and use the “Place Marker” keybind to place a map marker. This command will only be available by default while in Combat Mode.
    • This command is defaulted to Left on the D-pad for controllers and the Middle Mouse button for PC and Mac.
    • For Mobile players, this command will be bound to an optional button in the HUD Layout Tool.
  • Added the ability to pick up and throw back Dynamite with a lit fuse.
    • To throw the Dynamite with a lit fuse, get near it and use the interact key.

Bug Fixes

  • Increased the Dynamite explosion height against players from 192 units to 300 units.
    • This was done to prevent players from being able to jump over the explosion area on flat ground without taking damage.


  • New Tournament: Alchemist Pop-Up Cup
    • Pop-Up Cups are tournaments testing temporary, Limited Time Modes. Alchemist will continue our testing of several gameplay adjustments and may differ day to day.
    • Initial Mode Settings:
      • A material cap of 500 Wood, 500 Stone, 500 Metal
      • Harvesting Rate Increased by 40%
      • +50 Health on Eliminations
      • Storm Surge
        • If a certain amount of players are remaining by the time the Storm finishes closing, a Storm Surge will activate. This periodically deals damage to players who have the least amount of damage dealt during the match.
          • Circle 1: 60 Players Remaining
          • Circle 2: 44 Players Remaining
          • Circle 3: 30 Players Remaining
          • Circle 4: 20 Players Remaining
          • Circle 5: 16 Players Remaining
          • Circle 6: 14 Players Remaining
          • Circle 7: 12 Players Remaining
          • Circle 8: 6 Players Remaining
          • Circle 9: 2 Players Remaining
          • Your highest score or pin during any event session will now be displayed on the tournament poster in the Events tab.
          • Pins will now reflect tournament colors on the Event Details screen.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players would receive points during warmup island which would be later removed.


  • Improvements to level streaming performance on Xbox One and Switch (improving building load times during skydiving)


  • Player in-air falling audio cue volume has been increased.
  • The Mounted Turret overheat audio loop volume has been reduced.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Glider in-air audio cue wouldn’t play for players who glide in after respawning.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash on Nintendo Switch that occasionally occurred when logging in for the first time.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where player nameplates disappear after scrubbing a replay.


  • Map Marker button added to the HUD Layout Tool



  • Canny Valley Act 2!
    • New quests, new Ghost Town sub-biome, new story characters!
      • 21 new quests and a new landmark mission tell the exciting new chapter of Canny Valley story
      • Ghost Town sub biome – visit old Wild West towns now turned ghost towns, converted to amusement parks or movie sets. See great canyons, old forts, R&R spas and much more!
      • Meet new story characters like the Global Storming Denier, Dr. Vinderman’s assistant Desiree or Carlos, the Steel Wool bass guitarist
    • Experience the high-stakes story of fighting the Storm, reuniting Steel Wool and delving into Ray’s past!
  • Balance changes to mission and mission alert rewards:
    • Tweaked the overall chance of Schematic/Survivor/Hero XP vs Crafting Ingredients vs Evolution Materials vs Perk Materials appearing as a mission reward, to better match what players need at different points in the progression.
    • Significantly reduced the chance for Crafting Materials to appear as a mission reward, especially at higher difficulties.
    • Made Epic and Legendary Perk-UP much more likely to appear at the top end of Twine Peaks by removing the chance of Uncommon and Rare Perk-UP.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed elemental modifiers from Mega Alert Missions near the beginning of Plankerton, as elemental enemies do not appear at those difficulty levels.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Lars might not appear in the Research Lab.
  • Adjusted the proportions of portraits in-game for consistency.
  • Fixed an issue where the player Account Level could incorrectly display as 0 in-zone.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting Sort with a controller in the Defender menu would choose a Defender instead of Sorting the list.
  • Fixed an issue where no gamepad icons appeared on the Upgrade preview arrows in the Upgrades screen.
  • Fixed an issue which resulted in controller input losing proper focus when using More Options on the Manage Schematics page.
  • Fixed weapon positions on the schematic board in the Armory.


  • Added Legendary Constructor – Airheart
    • An Energetic tinkerer who fills the heart of the Storm with lead!
    • New Ability: R.O.S.I.E.
      • Deploy the Rotating Omni-directional Sentry Integrated Exoskeleton on a friendly floor-piece!
        • Once deployed, all allies can enter and fire R.O.S.I.E.
        • There’s no time limit to how long R.O.S.I.E. can be fired as long as she still has ammo!
        • Once out of ammo, or if the floor it is attached to is destroyed, R.O.S.I.E. goes on cooldown.
        • Available in the Event Store on November 28 at 7 PM Eastern Time until the release of v7.00.
    • New Perks:
      • Campaign of the R.O.S.I.E. – Increases the damage that R.O.S.I.E. deals by 24%.
      • War of the R.O.S.I.E. – Increases the damage that R.O.S.I.E. deals by an extra 13%. Additionally, converts the damage type of R.O.S.I.E. to Energy.
  • Added Legendary Soldier – Steel Wool Carlos
    • Legendary Variant of Shock Trooper
    • Added to the Act 2 Canny Valley questline.


  • Six Feet Under shovel added to the Weekly Store.
    • A creepy round-point shovel that looks like it has been used to dig up terrible secrets. The shovel handles like a lighter Sledgehammer, with better damage and less impact.
    • Up and Over: A two-strike heavy attack that deals significant damage and knockback.
    • Available Wednesday, November 28 at 7 PM EST until Wednesday, December 5 at 7 PM EST.