Vorige week kondigde Ubisoft aan dat ze deze week een grote nieuwe update voor The Division 2 uit zouden brengen en een week later de Raid. Ubisoft gaat echter sneller dan hun planning, want de genoemde Title Update 3 ofwel update 1.07 is nu al beschikbaar.

Nog beter nieuws is dat de Raid niet volgende week, maar overmorgen al verschijnt. Die zal gratis voor elke speler beschikbaar zijn, mits World Tier 5 bereikt is en de Stronghold Tidal Basin is afgerond.

In Dark Hours zullen 8 spelers moeten samenwerken om Washington National Airport van de Black Tusk te bevrijden. Lukt dat, dan krijgen spelers exclusieve loot, zoals nieuwe gear sets en een exotisch wapen. Speel je de Raid tussen 16 en 23 mei, dan ontvang je een speciale Arm Patch.

Verder komt de update nog met nieuwe outfits, maskers en wapen skins. Hieronder eerst een trailer en daaronder de changelog van update 1.07.

Classified Assignments: The Fall of DC

Classified Assignments are exclusive missions for owners of the Year 1 Pass. Discover and complete these missions to hear stories behind the fall of DC as well as unlocking exclusive Backpack Trophies. Title Update 3 includes the first two Classified Assignments.

New Apparel Event: Dark Hours

  • Starting together with the raid release, our second Apparel event will introduce new outfits, masks, emotes and weapon skins!


  • Added Operation Dark Hours Trophy.


  • Text Chat improvements
  • Players can toggle displaying personal and group loot drops.
  • Text chat will now lose focus after sending a message.
  • Group tab will be populated with all raid members when queueing for a raid.
  • Improved feedback when attempting invalid actions in text chat.


  • Added a Neutral Lighting setting to all platforms.

User Interface

  • Character sheet – Will now properly update and display Accuracy, Stability, Recoil, Weapon Swap and Reload Speed from +Weapon Handling bonuses.
  • Social menu:
  • -When downed, agents now have the possibility to open the Social menu via hotkey.
  • -Players will now be able to matchmake during Heroic difficulty missions.
  • -Players are now immune to Vote Kicks during boss encounters and for a short time after the end of boss encounters and missions. Going AFK removes this immunity.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where NPCs in the Bounty screen had broken animations. Put your hands down, please.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from completing the Side Mission Medical Camp Attack.
  • Fixed an issue where armor values on AI in the Dark Zone scaled incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sniper Turret would aim at targets out of line of sight in PvP.
  • Fixed an issue where Scanner Pulse and Remote Pulse were not properly affected by Skill Duration.
  • Fixed various issues where Skill bonuses were not applied properly.
  • Fixed an issue where bounties rewarded from Projects in Settlements were rewarding the wrong amount of XP and Credits.
  • Fixed an issue where Clan Cashes would scale incorrectly when opened in another player’s lower level session.
  • Fixed a bug where NPCs from a Resource Convoy could spawn out of thin air on top of the player.
  • Fixed a bug where the Control Point supply room would remain locked when capturing a Control Point too quickly.
  • Fixed several bugs with matchmaking that prevented correct matching of players based on their region, language, gear score and other criteria.
  • Fixed an issue with ‘A Friend in Need’ Achievement/Trophy which would cause it to not unlock in certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where a player would be unable to complete the ‘Big Game Hunter’ Achievement/Trophy.
  • Fixed an issue on the Ubisoft Club Weekly Challenges screen on PC that resulted in a low frame rate when on that screen.
  • Fixed an issue causing Korean language glyph compositions not displaying properly in the in-game chat.

Voor een uitgebreide toelichting op de bovenstaande patch notes kun je hier terecht.