Heel binnenkort kunnen we terug onze clown maskers opzetten en banken overvallen. Die zin klinkt heel vreemd zonder context, maar we hebben het uiteraard over de launch van PayDay 3 van deze week. Net zoals in elke hedendaagse game zal je ook in PayDay 3 Trophies (of Achievements) kunnen behalen en de lijst met alle virtuele trofeeën is inmiddels online opgedoken.
In totaal kan je 23 Trophies verdienen, wat een relatief laag aantal is. Veel Trophies vragen om specifieke handelingen uit te voeren in bepaalde levels (soms op een hogere moeilijkheidsgraad), dus dit kan wel eens een uitdaging worden. Bekijk de volledige lijst hieronder.
PayDay 3 komt uit op 21 september.
Most Wanted
– Platinum Trophy
Danger, High Voltage
– Stun 4 law enforcers by destroying a Zapper’s battery pack on Hard or above.
Traffic Control
– Complete Road Rage without the truck having stopped until the end on Overkill.
Crowd Control
– Complete Road Rage without letting a single civilian flee, die or be traded on Hard or above.
True Connoisseur
– Steal the painting by Shanda Latrell in Under the Surphaze on Very Hard or above.
Art Critic
– Complete Under The Surphaze having stolen all art from the 7 exhibitions on Very Hard or above.
No Stone Unturned
– Complete 99 Boxes having secured the maximum amount of bags on Hard or above.
Spec Ops
– Complete Touch The Sky in stealth without killing a single guard on Overkill.
Guns Don’t Kill People…
– Complete a heist after getting at least 50 turret kills on Hard or above.
Color Me Surprised
– Complete No Rest For The Wicked without letting a dye pack explode on Very Hard or above.
Tech Mogul
– On 99 Boxes secure both hi-tech devices at their maximum value on Very Hard or above.
Closing the Account
– On Gold and Sharke empty the vault of its valuables and secure all the loot on Hard or above.
The Hard Way
– Complete Gold and Sharke in stealth without accessing the HR computer.
Cleanin’ It Out
– Complete Dirty Ice having secured all cleaned jewelry bags on Overkill.
Smash and Grab
– Complete Dirty Ice within 120 seconds of spawning.
– Complete Rock The Cradle after surviving 4 full assaults on Very Hard or above.
No One Cared Who I Was…
– Until I put on the mask.
Unlimited Power
– Have the EDGE, GRIT and RUSH buffs active at the same time.
Kitted Out
– Unlock all mods to a primary weapon.
Arts and Crafts
– Customize a mask.
Just… One… More…
– Complete No Rest For The Wicked having opened all deposit boxes.
Party Crasher
– Complete Rock The Cradle without having the VIP invitation in stealth on Hard or above.
Insurance Policy
– Complete Touch The Sky with 4 active human shields on Hard or above.
Ze hadden 3rd person mode moeten adden voor de 3rd person player lief hebbers
En gamepass day-1
Staat pre-installed, leuke voor afwisseling met Starfield
@SaiyanSenshi: LMAO!!!